Friday, 26 June 2009

The Twin Town Squares

To find out about Thetford's Thomas Paine Quilt project, click HERE.

Thomas Paine declared himself to be a 'citizen of the world', and in this spirit of international openess the corner squares of our finished quilt will be designed and made by people from the four towns twinned with Thetford.

At this point in time, we already have two of the completed squares, which we think you will agree, look fantastic.

The town of Les Ulis in France is a 'New Town' with links to Thetford going back to 1966.

The town of Skawina in Poland has been twinned with Thetford since 2004.

To find out more about these places click on the town names (above), and this will take you to information pages from the Thetford Twinning Association (TTA) website. To find the TTA website homepage click HERE.

Click on the following to return to the homepage of this blog -> TTPFQ

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