"As it is my design to make those that can scarcely read understand, I shall therefore avoid every literary ornament and put it in language as plain as the alphabet."
So wrote Thetford's most famous citizen, Thomas Paine. This idea of making ideas understandable and accessible to all is very much what we in Norfolk County Council Adult Education Service are all about.
It is 200 years since the death of Thomas Paine. As part of the town's 'Tom Paine 200 Celebrations', Norfolk Adult Education are working with the people of Thetford to create a friendship quilt. In the spirit of Paine we wanted to mark his passing with something which puts power into people's hands. A quilt is an ideal way of bringing people together (that's the 'friendship' part!). A quilt, like any community, is made of lots of different contributions which, together, form a greater whole.
This blog will showcase the progress of the quilt as it grows, and will also give a bit of background information about Thomas Paine and the tradition of quilt making.
If you are interested in finding out more about this project, please email Colin Howey on colin.howey@norfolk.gov.uk
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